• Uk Lebanon Association Agreement

Uk Lebanon Association Agreement

According to a statement, the new post-Brexit memoranda of understanding aim to regulate the legal framework for trade relations previously established by a partnership agreement between Lebanon and the European Union. Fact sheets, Vietnamese trade in your city, texts of agreements, exporters` stories Negotiated agreement, meetings, fact sheets, cycle reports The EU has concluded trade agreements with these countries/regions, but both sides are currently negotiating an update. An association is hereby established between the Community and its Member States, of the one part, and Lebanon, of the other part (2). A regular political dialogue shall be established between the parties. It contributes to building lasting bonds of solidarity between partners that contribute to the prosperity, stability and security of the Mediterranean and create a climate of understanding and tolerance between cultures.2. Political dialogue and cooperation shall aim in particular at: (a) facilitating rapprochement between the Parties by developing better mutual understanding and regular coordination on international issues of common interest;(b) enabling each Party to take into account the position and interests of the other Party;(c) consolidating security and stability in the Mediterranean and in particular in the Middle East;(d) promoting joint initiatives. Article 4The political dialogue shall cover all matters of common interest to the Parties and shall in particular examine the conditions necessary to ensure peace and security by supporting cooperation. .
